The Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Development Department is dedicated to developing a healthy supply base to support Newport News Shipbuilding planned and emergent shipbuilding needs in support of our customer, the US Navy. We do this by utilizing continuous improvement tools with the supply base to improve quality, increase capacity, and encourage lean manufacturing and front office processes, compress lead times, and lower acquisition costs.

Strategic Sourcing is responsible for managing market intelligence and research activities as well as developing forecasting tools to identify the most pressing supply base concerns and risks. We also identify potential financial, capability, and capacity constraints within the supply base. Finally, we watch for critical industry and economic trends that could impact the supply base as well as NNS.


Provide sourcing solutions, marketplace intelligence and supplier development through critical strategic analysis, an agile approach and visionary leadership.

Our Objectives:

  • Building bridges and relationships
  • Finding innovative solutions
  • Improving quality, cost, schedule, delivery, safety
  • Satisfying our customers
  • Protecting material availability in the future

Our tool sets and experienced subject matter experts assist the supplier by administering the following programs:

Supplier Development and Assessments

Existing Suppliers

If your company has previously conducted business with us and is looking to reestablish your relationship with our buying offices, discuss your company’s new products or services, introduce your company’s new representative or discuss upcoming NNS opportunities to bid, please complete this form.

Return the completed form with your supplier number AND any marketing material, line card, capabilities sheet, etc. to [email protected].

Depending on the nature of your business, you may receive an additional form to complete to list your facility information, machinery and welding qualifications and capabilities and quality management certifications.

SEA is an engineering liaison group dedicated to helping NNS suppliers.

The SEA is a dedicated team that coordinates with suppliers and NNS departments to resolve upstream material engineering issues to positively impact the Material Value Stream. Members of the SEA team are full-time professionals from various technical backgrounds that address a wide variety of material engineering challenges.

Contact SEA: [email protected]

Our Vision

How does the SEA help you?

Resolving upstream barriers is beneficial in reducing cost and material delay resulting from unnecessary work. SEA will:

  • Gather material engineering issues identified externally (suppliers) and internally (NNS).
  • Evaluate and conduct root cause analysis to determine if the issue in question is driven by contract requirements or other valid business reason.
  • Collaborate with all stakeholders to provide resolution – ensuring the issue does not happen again.

What are some examples of the SEA‘s work?

Examples of the SEA’s work include:

  • Revise coded notes to resolve systemic deficiencies
  • Update ordering data to reflect the latest approved drawing revision with corrected information
  • Assist suppliers with SPARS and Exostar
  • Inform suppliers of resources NNS has developed to help improve software quality
  • Follow up on submitted software status
  • Compile a periodic newsletter for suppliers

What else does the SEA do?

In addition to the liaison work with suppliers and NNS departments, the SEA group works “behind the scenes” to improve NNS ordering data, including the following:

  • Review VIRs to identify common causes and resolve the issues
  • Develop resources for supplier to use to improve first time quality of submittals
  • Work with other NNS departments to devise process improvements that affect suppliers positively

No matter the material you provide to NNS, the SEA group can help to ensure smooth delivery.

What suppliers are saying…

“Really appreciate all your help on these VIR submittals.” -NNS casting supplier

“Thanks so much for your help! The submitted procedure on the subject contract is now approved.” -NNS valve supplier

For more information, visit our NNS Suppliers Freight & Receiving page.

NNS has developed several supplier training modules based on our contract requirements, which provide insight on how to read, understand, and comply with our purchase orders. Key topics include purchase order format, coded notes, appendices, specifications, drawing requirements, and welding & NDT. In our experience, performing a comprehensive contract review, coupled with proper flow-down of information to sub-tier suppliers, has been crucial to success.

For information on enrolling in Online Supplier Training, please contact: [email protected].

The Supplier Development (SD) Program is Newport News Shipbuilding’s approach to growing, developing, and maintaining our suppliers. Overall, the SD Program methodically assesses our suppliers and then implements tools to help improve them. This includes mentoring suppliers to help them understand NNS and Navy requirements so that they may become a capable reliable partner to meet all technical, quality, and delivery requirements.

Process Overview

NNS selects and engages suppliers for the SD Program based on performance history, strategic procurement outlook and supplier risks. Suppliers interested in SD can also contact NNS for inclusion in the program.

Who is Needed From Your Organization?

The SD Program is a partnership between NNS and your company. It will require a commitment on both organizations to be successful. Supplier representatives should include sales, contracts, engineering, quality, and manufacturing personnel.

If you are an existing Supplier and are interested to hear more about or engage in the SDCI tool sets, contact us at NNS Supplier Development.

Please note all purchase order (PO) invoices should be submitted via PDF file attached to an email to [email protected]. One invoice per PDF file please. If supporting documentation such as freight invoices or that required for milestone payments is necessary to secure payment, please ensure that it is included behind the invoice in the same PDF file as the invoice. Mailed and faxed invoices are not accepted. Payment terms begin when Accounts Payable receives a valid invoice or when the material is received, whichever date is later.

  • Invoices that do not meet the following criteria are unable to be processed:
    Quantity Unit of Measure and Unit Price must match the Purchase Order.
  • Invoices containing freight charges of $200 or more must include the freight bill from the carrier. Please include the freight bill in the same PDF file behind the invoice.
  • The ten digit Purchase Order number must be clearly identified on the invoice, if applicable.
  • Invoices must correctly reference applicable PO Line Item numbers.
  • Invoices must be submitted via PDF. Each PDF is limited to a single invoice and its corresponding backup documentation. Please ensure all documentation necessary to secure payment such as travel receipts, waivers, insurance papers are included.
  • The remit address should be identified on the invoice and must match the remit address currently on file.

Please note all non-purchase order invoices should be submitted via PDF file attached to an email to [email protected]. Only one invoice per PDF file is allowed by the AP system. If supporting documentation is necessary to secure payment, please ensure that it is included behind the invoice in the same PDF file as the invoice. Non-Purchase Order Invoices should identify (a) whether they are for NNS or Corporate (Huntington Ingalls Services or HIS), and (b) their NNS or HIS Point of Contact otherwise the invoice will not be processed by the AP system. Mailed and faxed invoices are not accepted. Payment terms begin when Accounts Payable receives a valid invoice.

Accounts Payable Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

If you need assistance with payment of an outstanding invoice, please email NNS Accounts Payable at [email protected]. Please provide the purcahse order number, invoice number and line item when inquiring about payment status. Kindly allow 48 hours for a response.

Accounts Payable Forms
Blank W-9
Tax Exempt Certificate
NNS Travel Expense Form

Email Remittance
If you would like to receive email remittance advices, please contact [email protected] with the email address that you would like to receive the remittance along with your vendor number. Please note only one email address may be selected.

Changes to Remit Address or Banking Information

If you have a change to your remit address or banking information, please contact [email protected] so the appropriate paperwork can be completed. Please note the remit address stated on the Supplier Data Sheet must match the remit address on the invoice.

Electronic Funds Transfer
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the preferred payment method. Payments are sent to a bank account provided by the supplier. It takes approximately 48 hours to arrive in the account. There are other payment methods like Wire Transfer and Check still available that will be transitioning to Shipbuilding’s preferred payment method of EFT.

Electronic Invoicing (ERS)
ERS or Evaluated Receipt Settlement is the process in which the payments are generated from the good receipts entered in our system by receiving. That means the payment is based on what HII receives. The payments are generated by a settlement run by HII. Suppliers do not need to send any kind of invoice.

Since the majority of our contracts are related to government contracts we are required to flow down government contract requirements such as FAR and DFAR clauses to our suppliers.Contract flow downs can come from various Government agencies such as the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.These requirements can be directly referenced in your purchase orders. This section provides helpful links to some of these requirements.

Exostar Supply Chain Platform (SCP)
HII-NNS utilizes the Exostar tool for electronic purchasing document distribution. Suppliers use a two factor authentication security method in order to download and respond to the purchasing documents within the Exostar system, which provides timely information transmittal. Suppliers may also receive drawings and other supplemental information through the secure Exostar Filedrop module. Exostar is not certified for NOFORN, NNPI, or Classified information transmittal.

Exostar Information Manager (FileDrop)
FileDrop gives users the ability to send and receive files between selected Huntington Ingalls employees and suppliers in a secure environment regardless of file size. This is an effective tool for suppliers to use when they have a document to send that is not normally transmitted via email. FileDrop may not be used to send NOFORN, Classified, or NNPI information.

For questions on Exostar or to get connected, please email [email protected].

SPARS is a secure two-way electronic submittal portal for PO qualification software. PO qualification software includes drawings, procedures, test reports, Vendor Information Requests (VIRs), Vendor Quotes (VQ), and Vendor Procedure Approval Requests (VPARs). The advantage of an electronic submittal, instead of mailing, is that suppliers receive a confirmation, tracking number, and timely status updates that are easily accessible. Submittals are directly tied to deliverable requirements (PPN/coded notes) with tracking and status information provided automatically. SPARS may not be used to send NOFORN, Classified, or NNPI information.

For reference, please see this PowerPoint presentation for a SPARS how-to guide and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

For questions on SPARS or to get an account, please email [email protected].

In order to promote shipbuilding as whole, Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. encourages your company to consider membership in one of the associations listed below.

The Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base Coalition (ACIBC):
The Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base Coalition (ACIBC) represents approximately 400 businesses that supply components and services for U.S. Navy aircraft carriers. Established in 2004, ACIBC seeks to preserve the strength of the aircraft carrier force and promote the value of the Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base as a vital part of the nation’s overall defense structure. These businesses supply a wide range of components and services, from motors, pipes and insulation to electrical, engineering and maintenance services.

The Submarine Industrial Base Council (SIBC):
Established in 1992, the Submarine Industrial Base Council seeks to educate policymakers and the public about the nation’s ability to design, build, and maintain submarines.
The SIBC encourages its membership to engage in dialogue with decision and policy makers and can provide materials at the local, state and national level. On occasion, the SIBC issues media statements and provides background information for members of the national and local media.

SIBC membership is ongoing and open to the more than 4,000 U.S. companies that provide critical materials to the Virginia-class submarine program. Member businesses range from the smallest specialty shops to manufacturers of main propulsion equipment.

Sea Power Ambassador:
The Sea Power Ambassador program seeks to educate the American public and elected officials to government positions based on the need to rebuild the fleet of the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard to meet America’s security requirements in the 21st Century

Rebuilding America’s Navy and other sea services will only be achieved through an active, organized, grass roots education campaign led by Sea Power Ambassadors from the ranks of the shipbuilding industry, labor unions, and concerned citizens from across the country. The President, presidential candidates, U.S. Senators, and U.S. Representatives need to hear from multiple constituents through multiple means of communication that rebuilding America’s Sea Power should be a national priority.

Navy League of the United States:
The Navy League of the United States was founded in 1902 with the encouragement of President Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy League of the United States has provided a powerful voice for a stronger sea service to Congress and to the American People. The Navy League has grown to become the foremost citizens’ organization to serve, support, and stand with all the U.S. sea services — the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine.

Since the Navy League’s founding, it has grown to become a worldwide organization with more than 50,000 members in 240 councils. Council membership includes more than 240 corporate and community affiliate members.

Today, the Navy League’s original mission is focused on two main initiatives. First, the Navy League’s public education efforts are designed to inform the nation, and its political leaders, of the vital importance to the country of comprehensive and fully-prepared sea services. Second, the Navy League, primarily through its councils, provides support for active duty sea services personnel and their families. In keeping with its educational objective, the Navy League also supports America’s young people through successful youth programs, including sponsorship of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League Foundation Scholarship Program.

Newport News Shipbuilding’s main facility covers over a mile of waterfront at the end of the James River where it empties into the Chesapeake Bay in Newport News, Virginia. Other buildings are throughout the downtown Newport News area as well as in Hampton, Virginia. The referenced links provide you information needed if you are visiting NNS. Note that security and safety dictate special requirement to enter NNS facilities. Please review all requirements closely before any visit to NNS. If there are any questions, please contact your NNS representative.

Please note that many areas within the shipyard are industrial areas and the following items are required for people / drivers entering the NNS premises:

  • Hard Hat
  • Safety Glasses
  • Steel toed safety shoes

Contact your NNS point of contact regarding the need for these items prior to visiting NNS.

The Surplus and Scrap Sales organization is part of the companys Logistics department. Our organization receives surplus and scrap materials from sources within Newport News Shipbuilding for disposition. As material is received, it is lotted into homogeneous groups.

Material Type

How Lotted
Material type
Similarity of application

Annual contracts
Periodic sales

All material is solicited on a competitive bid basis with the award being made to the highest acceptable bidder.

All surplus and scrap material is sold “AS IS, WHERE IS“. The sales are awarded in strict accordance with Newport News Shipbuilding terms and conditions.
Listed below are some of the commodities that are frequently available. This list will be updated as material is sold and subsequently replaced by new inventory.

  • Electrical Equipment /
  • Supplies
  • Forklifts
  • Machinery (Grinders, Lathes, Mills, Shearers)
  • Metals (Ferrous, Non-Ferrous)
  • Office Equipment / Supplies
  • Oils, Chemical, Solvents
  • Pipe, Tubing
  • Recycled Products (Cardboard, Paper, Plastic)
  • Valves, Fittings
  • Vehicles
  • Welding Supplies

If you are interested in bidding on any of the items listed, please:

Contact Information

Marcia Capelli
Surplus and Recycling Manager II

Phone: (757) 380-7417
Cell phone: (757) 266-8602
Fax: ( 757) 380-3638

Individual Surplus Sales Bids

Thank you for displaying an interest in purchasing surplus equipment / metals.

In order for your company to be considered for placement on our bid list, you must return all of the following information:

  • Copy of your company’s current license to conduct business (if applicable), or state your Federal Ident. number
  • A completed copy of Form ST-10 (VA Dealer Tax) or a letter stating that you agree to pay all Virginia state and Local taxes.

These documents may be faxed to (757) 380-3638 or emailed to [email protected].

As we dispose of large quantities of all types of equipment/metals utilized in the shipbuilding industry, we maintain an active list for major categories in which they are most interested. Prospective buyers are then placed on these lists. Each time a sale is offered, each buyer listed under the applicable category is sent (mailed, faxed, or preferably e-mailed) a formal bid solicitation.

You are requested to review the bid solicitation thoroughly. You are encouraged to call for an appointment to personally inspect the items being offered. All terms and conditions of the sale are stated on the solicitation and will be strictly adhered to.

After review of the bid solicitation, you are requested to place your bid in the appropriate column/block. Your bid must be received by the bid closing date stated on the solicitation. Bids received after the bid closing date will not be considered for the sale.

Our bid list consists of those customers who respond to our solicitations. Should you not respond, you will be removed from our bid list. Should you wish to remain on the bid list but do not want to bid on a particular solicitation, you should respond with a “NO BID” offer.

NNS would like to gauge your interest and understanding in Additive Manufacturing (AM).  Please view the below link to complete a survey to help us understand your organization’s interest in AM.

AM Survey

This survey will provide NNS and our Navy customer the opportunity to determine supply chain readiness towards the development of a strategic plan and a solid procurement approach that delivers benefits to our suppliers, NNS, and our Customer to accelerate AM deployment.

For questions or upon completion of the downloaded Word survey, please email your copy to [email protected].

What is Supplier Development Funding (SDF)?

SDF is an initiative funded by the US Navy to strengthen the shipbuilding industrial supply base by providing resources for Suppliers to update equipment, technology and facilities to support performance of shipbuilding contracts.  SDF may also be allocated to a Supplier to fund training, qualifications or other activities that increase or enhance a Supplier’s ability to support work on NNS programs.

Supplier Identification Process

NNS evaluates SDF opportunities through various processes, stakeholders and assessments.

  • NNS Buyers and Project Manager input
  • Integrated Enterprise Program – IEP: Suppliers are scored as green, yellow or red
  • Supplier Technical Assessment & Validity – STAV
  • In-Depth Supplier Assessment – ISA
  • Recommendation from the Navy Customer, SIB, EB, Bechtel Plant Machinery Inc. (BPMI), and other nuclear shipbuilding industrial base stakeholders
  • Recommendations or identification through NNS Supplier Quality
  • Solicitation of Suppliers; Submittal of SDF Short Form

Supplier SDF Proposals

The Strategic Programs and Supplier Development Group (SDG) is dedicated to developing a healthy supply base to support NNS planned and emergent shipbuilding needs in support of our Navy customer.

At the request of NNS, and in collaboration with the SDG, suppliers may be asked to provide a Business Case Proposal that clearly defines the project scope, period of performance and cost savings to shipbuilding programs.

Supplier Engagement

Upon receipt of the Supplier’s Business Case Proposal, the SDG will coordinate correspondence and onsite visits with the Supplier and NNS stakeholders to discuss the SDF Project(s).

The goal of Supplier engagement is to ensure the Supplier understands the NNS SDF Process and its requirements, as well as NNS understands the Supplier’s proposal.  NNS will tour the specific facility in its current state or condition, discuss and understand the SDF Project, validate the request and substantiate the expected Return on Investment.

For questions or upon completion of the SDF Short Form, please email your copy to [email protected].

IEP is an initiative funded by the U.S. Navy to strengthen the shipbuilding industrial supply base by providing oversight from shipbuilders to analyze and reduce risk, increase affordability, and reduce schedule constraints as an enterprise.  The NNS team works closely with Electric Boat (EB) on all IEP efforts.

Supplier Readiness

Suppliers identified as critical to CLB, VCS and CVN (new construction) are assessed annually to evaluate their capacity, capability and readiness to meet current and future Shipbuilding demand.

What is a Critical Supplier?

The list of suppliers is refreshed annually and criteria may include, but limited to:

  • SQA Critical Supplier
  • Critical Complex Components
  • High Annual Spend / Volume
  • Single / Sole Source
  • Key / Construction Critical Path Materials
  • Sequence Critical Material
  • Level 1 Material
  • SUBSAFE Material
  • Long Lead Time Material
  • Nuclear Material
  • Strategic Scouring Concern
  • Cross-Dependency (Sub-tier)

IEP Supplier Readiness Assessments

Suppliers are given an opportunity to self-assess.

  • Suppliers are evaluated and scored as green, yellow or red in each of the following business categories:
    • Business Stability
    • Existing / Future Human Resource
    • Supply Chain
    • Production / Facility / Capability
    • Schedule
    • Supplier Quality Score (EB/NNS)
  • NNS and EB work collaboratively to assess shared suppliers.
  • The Shipbuilders assess non-shared suppliers independently.


  • Green – Supplier is prepared for current and future demand.
  • Yellow – Supplier is meeting current demand and has prepared plans for future demand.
  • Red – Supplier is challenged to meet current demand.

Plan of Action & Milestone (POA&M) Development

POA&Ms address specific supplier risks with mitigation steps for all areas of opportunity identified during the Supplier’s Readiness Assessment.

  • All suppliers assessed as red or yellow receive a POA&M.
  • POA&Ms are developed by the Readiness Scoring Team an the identified risks are mitigated by the Supplier Development team, Buyer, and Project Manager.

Readiness Assessment & POA&M Results

The results of each Readiness Assessment period as well as POA&M status is reported to the Government at the end of each annual Wave.


Newport News Shipbuilding Small Business Office is firmly committed to match knowledgeable, skilled subcontractors to business opportunities through identification, education and as serving as an advocate for small businesses.


Newport News Shipbuilding strives to build and sustain lasting relationships with qualified small businesses which have a competitive culture to deliver high quality, cost effective solutions in support of our Nation’s Defense and Small Business Programs.

If your company is interesting in becoming a Newport News Shipbuilding supplier, please select here.


Small Businesses (SB) make up more than 60% of the Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS), a division of HII, supply base.  NNS is committed to the success of its SB suppliers.  Therefore, NNS is sharing a few resources below that can assist small businesses and enable their success. 

  • Small Business Administration (SBA): https://www.sba.gov/
    • Aids, counsels, assists and protects the interests of small businesses
  • APEX Accelerators, formerly Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs): https://www.apexaccelerators.us/#/
    • Assists businesses that pursue and/or perform as a prime contractor or subcontractor under contracts with federal, state, and local government
  • Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA): https://www.mbda.gov
    • Offers customized business development and industry-focused services to provide greater access to capital, contracts and markets
  • Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP):  https://www.nist.gov/mep
    • Provides U.S. manufacturers with access to resources they need to succeed

Most services, from the federal agencies above, are available at no cost or on a discounted basis.  Please visit each website for additional information, and utilize available resources to scale and sustain your business. 

NNS also has a Small Business Program Office that assists and advocates for its SB suppliers.  Please contact [email protected] or Katina Adams at 757-380-7011 for assistance.

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