Ingalls Shipbuilding Prospective Suppliers

Ingalls Shipbuilding is dedicated to building solid partnerships with suppliers that offer innovative approaches to obtain the highest quality products, improved cost control, and delivery as committed.

You may be considered as a potential bidder if: (1) Your product or services are required; and/or (2) Your firm can perform to our specifications and contract requirements. Depending on material requirements, you will be asked to complete a standard Information Questionnaire. This form identifies both your company’s quality system and its general capability.
Once a satisfactory completed questionnaire is received, Ingalls Shipbuilding will consider soliciting quotations from your company for supplies or services for which your company is qualified. Before a purchase order is placed with your company, additional forms will be provided by an Ingalls purchasing agent that must be completed to determine your eligibility to receive sensitive information and to provide any other administrative data.
If required, your Ingalls Supply Chain Material Acquisition representative will request a copy of your quality assurance/control manual. The manual will be reviewed and you will be notified in writing concerning the results of the review.

To further evaluate your capabilities and the effectiveness of your quality system, we may request to perform a survey of your facility. This survey will be conducted in your plant at a mutually agreeable time by representatives of the appropriate Ingalls Shipbuilding department(s.) After the survey, a report will be issued to identify the results and list any corrective and/or preventive actions that may be necessary. Future business with Ingalls will be determined by your responsiveness to any identified problem areas.

Production work contractors will be required to submit information such as injury statistics, Experience Modification Rate (EMR), citation history and written safety programs applicable to the type of work to be performed at Ingalls Shipbuilding. This information is described in the Environmental, Health & Safety Instructions and General Operating Rules for Contractors and Subcontractors at Ingalls Shipbuilding.

Bidders who have successfully met these qualification requirements are eligible to receive purchase orders from Ingalls. Our Supply Chain and Quality organizations maintain detailed records on the results of Quality Manual reviews, survey results, and performance history based on material inspections and other pertinent quality information that is reviewed on a predetermined basis. This information is used to develop performance ratings.

Ingalls Shipbuilding standard practice is to request quotations from a number of sources who can perform to our requirements. Before you prepare your quotation, you should read and understand the instructions on the “Request for Quotation” (RFQ). Do not forget to read any special instructions and conditions that may be typed on the request, attached to the request, and/or referenced within the request (such as Ingalls standard clauses referenced by title and available on the Internet at After we have requested and received your quotation, it will be analyzed and compared with those of other potential suppliers. The quotation must meet the specific requirements of the RFQ or it may be disregarded. Alternate proposals may be submitted but must be in addition to your responsive quotation. Orders are awarded based on (but not limited to) quality, price and timely delivery capabilities.

In addition to the terms and conditions attached to or referenced in the purchase order; drawings and/or specifications may also be attached. When you are awarded the purchase order, you also agree to all of the technical requirements contained in the drawings and specifications. Some purchase orders include government specifications and requirements. These may or may not be physically attached to the purchase order, but they are either incorporated in our specifications or referenced in the document. Either way, they constitute part of the agreement and must be met.

All contact with Ingalls about a specific purchase order should be made with the Ingalls Supply Chain Management representative named on the purchase order. No changes to the order will be recognized unless appropriately incorporated in the order and signed (including but not limited to electronic signature or pre-printed signature where appropriate and as authorized) by an authorized representative of the Ingalls Supply Chain Material Acquisition Department.

Every purchase order is subject to specific terms and conditions. These are usually specified in one or more appendices, and/or incorporated by reference or other identification printed or typed on the purchase order. Suppliers are expected to accept all terms and conditions on the purchase order before a firm order is agreed upon. Any questions or differences that may arise must be resolved at this point.

Identified below are the expectations that Ingalls Shipbuilding has of its suppliers.

Contract Understanding – Terms and Conditions: Suppliers are expected to fully understand and comply with all contractual requirements and flow them down to their subcontractors as appropriate. The Purchase Order Terms and Conditions provide a comprehensive list of requirements to which must be complied. Examples include (but are not limited to) insurance, warranties, hazardous material requirements, limitations on certain types of material, import/export requirements, invoices, Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR), etc.

Safety: If you work within any of the Ingalls facilities or on one of the ships under construction, you are expected to train your employees in proper safety precautions for that location and/or ship. Your employees are expected to understand and follow all Ingalls safety rules for each site they work. These regulations are reviewed in the Environmental, Health & Safety Instructions and General Operating Rules for Contractors and Subcontractors at Ingalls Shipbuilding.

Quality: Ingalls builds the most complex ships in the world. This requires that all parts of the ship be of the utmost highest quality. We expect the hardware received to have zero defects. All supporting technical documents must also be correct and complete at initial issue. Services performed must be done efficiently and in a safe quality manner. Suppliers should have approved quality systems as appropriate (MIL , ISO, etc). Suppliers should have a strong subcontract management/ sub-tier relationship process to assure quality and timeliness from its contractors.

Cost: You are expected to provide your product at a fair and reasonable price. You should also strive to understand the costs in your own processes, reduce them where possible, and pass on those savings.

Schedule: We expect that once a contract delivery date is agreed upon, either for services or material, that it be met. Ingalls Shipbuilding uses these dates to schedule work and delays can have a significant impact on performance and schedule. Technical documents must be delivered within the timeframes noted in the purchase order to ensure approvals are completed in a timely manner.

Shipping/Packaging: Suppliers are expected to comply with all shipping guidelines including appropriate packaging.

Security: Given the nature of the work we perform, it is very critical that security precautions be in place to protect technical and sensitive information. Suppliers should also be aware of security requirements required of individuals accessing the facilities.

Business Conduct: Huntington Ingalls Industries and its employees comply with all applicable legal requirements and the highest ethical standards of the United States and each foreign country in which business is conducted. No employee will offer or accept any bribe or kickback. In addition, employees will neither offer nor accept any gratuity made for the purpose of influencing the judgment of the recipient. Suppliers must also abide by our ethical business conduct standards.

Partnering: Ingalls encourages it’s suppliers to continue to think of the supply chain as greater than just a customer relationship. You are encouraged to participate in the various initiatives that the different sites have. Blanket Orders/Outline Agreements, E-business solutions, etc. are all forms of partnering.

E-Business: Ingalls has a variety of electronic tools that are used to handle different parts of our business. These tools are essential for any modern supply chain and allow for ease of sharing information. You are strongly encouraged to participate to the greatest extent possible in these different e-tools. Some examples are Perfect Commerce, and SPARS.

Small Business: Ingalls is committed to supporting the small and disadvantage businesses of the United States. Suppliers are encouraged to use small and disadvantaged business in their business.

Financial Stability: It is very critical that our suppliers be financially stable. This impacts the supplier’s ability to have the appropriate resources to complete the Ingalls work and be viable long-term.

Continuous Improvement: It is highly desirable that Ingalls suppliers continue to improve their processes. This demonstrates the supplier’s willingness to work toward cost and lead-time reductions. We encourage you to make suggestions on how to improve your/our product.

Support of all Shipbuilding Locations: Although not always possible, it is desirable that our suppliers be able to support all the HII locations. Product type and geographic issues may prevent this but it is in both our interests to have relationships across all HII locations.

Communications: Suppliers are expected to notify Ingalls when any significant event occurs that can impact their relationship with Ingalls. This can include shifting of work to other facilities, address changes, debarment, union strikes, fire or natural disaster, etc. Also suppliers should make every attempt to keep Ingalls abreast of key personnel changes, email updates, and phone number changes.

The first step in qualifying your company with Ingalls Shipbuilding, is to complete your company profile form. The submittal of this information will place your business in Ingalls Shipbuilding’s Potential Supplier Database that is used by the buying community.

Visit the Ingalls Material Acquisition forms site to complete your profile today. Once you have submitted your information, you will receive a confirmation email with notes and details concerning future actions.

As a note, Ingalls Shipbuilding encourages all suppliers to register their businesses in Central Contract Registration (CCR). The Ingalls Supplier Information Form questions are similar to those required when completing a CCR registration.

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