All Appendices Referenced “DOD CONTRACTS/662” can be found in the Exostar system. Please contact the Exostar administrator ([email protected]) if you do not see the “CVN 78 Appendices” option in the Exostar Information Manager portal. If you are not set up in Exostar, please contact your Buyer to receive copies of the DOD Contracts/662 Appendices.

(NOTE: When A-DOD CONTRACTS/662 and A-DOD CONTRACTS/VCS are referenced in your PO, use the A-DOD CONTRACTS version found below.)

EB Specifications: All EB specifications must be requested from your HII-NNS procurement representative.

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For additional questions concerning PO forms, appendicies, or coded notes please contact your NNS supply chain representative.

For information on enrolling in Online Supplier Training please contact: [email protected]

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