NNS Walk-in Tuesday

25 083 K21 Ta Socialhiringweldersshipfitters2a

Join us for our next in-person trades hiring event from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Newport News Shipbuilding recruiters will interview candidates for entry-level and experienced shipfitter and welder positions. 

Candidates should apply in advance of the event to expedite the hiring process at hii.com/careers/newport-news-shipbuilding-careers – read all information on the requisitions carefully and apply to the job that most suits their interests. Please include the past seven years of work experience on the application.

Candidates may be invited to same-day pre-employment screenings and should bring the following documentation with them to the hiring event:

  • Social security card (copies will not be accepted)
  • Birth certificate (copies or expired documents will not be accepted)
  • Valid ID (driver’s license or state-issued ID)
  • If former military, please bring Form DD 214 (member copy 2 or 4 only)

Required attire:

  • Long pants covering ankles
  • Shirt with sleeves at least two inches from the shoulders
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Prescription eyeglasses (no contact lenses)

Tuesday, Feb. 18


5200 West Mercury Blvd. (Entrance 3), Suite 176
Hampton, Virginia

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