Ingalls Welder Workleader Seveta Gray had one of her proudest moments as a shipbuilder welding the ship sponsor’s initials during the LHA 9 keel authentication.
“Knowing I had a role in such a huge milestone for Fallujah (LHA 9) was incredible,” Gray said. “It’s truly a humbling experience I will never forget.”
Gray, who has been at Ingalls for nearly 15 years, completed the apprenticeship program, and is now an on-the-job mentor, training the next generation of welders. She enjoys playing a part in advancing the careers of shipbuilders.
“I love teaching others and letting them learn to develop skills in the shipyard,” Gray said. “It’s a blessing to watch the young shipbuilders find ways to thrive.”
Gray understands the bigger picture of the keel authentication. It’s a step towards building another world-class ship to protect this great nation. She takes pride in believing THEIR mission is OUR purpose.
“Knowing you’re building those ships, putting those pieces together a little bit at a time, is something I take seriously every time I put my steel toes on,” Gray said. “Watching everything come together and knowing loved ones are aboard those ships means a whole lot to me.”